Aspinwall is beginning to compete successfully with the Atlantic con-
nections of the English steam monopoly on this coast.

No. 3 portrays a state of affairs which is somewhat surprising, in view
of the previous enormous gains and dividends of the Pacific Steam-Navi-
gation Company; and inmy judgment may be attributed in large part
to the fact that the recent French line on this seaboard must have inter-
fered more materially with the business of the English steamers than
was supposed at the time. |

I have, &e.,

[Inclosure 1in No. 407.]

President Russell Sage, of Pacific Mail-Steamship Company, says that the company,
having succeeded so well, are about to build three new steamers to add to the fleet
they already have afloat. These steamers are to be of the finest kind for comfort, speed,
and capacity. They will be screw-steamers, 3,000 tons. burden, and will cost $600,000
-each, or a total of $1,800,000. They will be built on the same model as the City of
Peking and other vessels of her class, and are to be finished within twelve months.
One vessel will probably be given to John Roach for construction, another to Pusey,
Jones & Co., and the third to some other constructor of known capacity. These ves-
sels will be distributed in a manner that will best serve the interests of the company

[Inclosure 2 in No. 407. ]

. The new contract of the above company, according to the European Mail of the 17th

ultimo, provides that the vesselson the main route are to be of 2,750 tons, and not less
than 500 nominal horse-power. The speed not to be less than 11 knots per hour. This is
rather a low rate of speed, as 114 and even 12 knots are practicable. Southampton to
Colon, via St. Thomas, is to take 470 hours, and the return 490 hours. In the previous

contract, the time was, Southampton to Colon 462 hours, and the return 482 hours.

There is, therefore, on the face of it, an increase of eight hours each way in the time

occupied by the voyage.

Southampton to Colon, via Barbados, is to take 479 hours, and the return 495 hours.
The company is to have the power of proposing another port in lieu of Southamp-

ton for the landing and embarking of the mails. The company is under a penalty for
delay, but there isno premium for being within time, asin the previous contract.
‘The postmaster-general takes the power to alter the times of arrival and departure,

but no power like that in the old contract to extend the conveyance of mails to any
port or place not specified, under which power Plymouth was selected as the landing-

place some years ago. The amount of the subsidy has been already stated. The time

fixed for the arrival of the mails at Southampton is 10 o’clock on the morning of the

30th, and 11 o’clock on the morning of the 14th. This means late in the afternoon for

the delivery of letters in London, and next day for the delivery in all the north of.
England, as well as in Scotland and Ireland. In short months, as well as in cases

when Sunday intervenes, the mail8§ will practically arrive and depart upon the same

day. This has been made the subject of strong protests by the West India committee,

the West Indian associations of Glasgow and Liverpool, the chambers of commerce of
Liverpool, Birmingham, and Manchester, and other bodies. In fact, there has been

such a manifestation of opinion as will probably induce the government to retain
Plymouth as the landing-place of the mails. It must be added that, by the new inter-
colonial arrangements, the time for answering letters in Demerara is very much cur-
tailed. : | :
__ The tenders for this-service were three, viz: Alfred Holt, of Liverpool, £129,000 ;
West India and Pacific Steam-Navigation Company, £120,000 3 Royal Mail Company,
£34,750. , . | ,

The postmaster-general was endeavoring to get the postage reduced to sixpence.

A memorial to the right honorable the lords commissioners of Her Majesty’s treasury
“was extensively and influentially signed by merchants, bankers, proprietors, and
others interested in the colonies and countries with which correspondence is main-
tained by means of the West India mail-steamers, begging to express their great regret
that no provision is made in the new contract with the Royal Mail Steam-Packet Com-
pany for continuing the practice of landing the West India mails at Plymouth.”

In consequence of this an amended contract was to be laid on the table, providing
for calling at Plymouth. |