No. 311.
| Mr. Fish to Sir Edward Thornton.

Washington, 30th September, 187 3.

‘Sr: The Secretary of the Treasury has addressed a communication
to this Department under date of the 27th instant, relative to the thir-
tieth article of the treaty of Washington, in which ‘it is provided: that
British subjects may carry in British vessels, without payment of duty,
wares or merchandise from one port or place within the territory of the
United States, upon the Saint Lawrence, the great lakes, and the rivers
connecting the same, to another port or place within the territory of
the United States as aforesaid; provided, that a portion of such trans-
portation is made through the Dominion of Canada by land-carriage in.
bond, under such rules and regulations as may be agreed upon between
the government of Her Britannic Majesty and that of the United States.
And in like manner citizens of the United States may carry goods, wares,
or merchandise, in United States vessels, from one port or place within
the British possessions in North America to another port or place with- —
in the said possessions, &c.

By section 4 of the act approved March 1, 1873, to carry into effect
the provisions of the treaty of Washington, it is enacted that article
XXX shall go into operation as regards British subjects, carrying goods,
wares, or merchandise in British vessels, &c., under such rules and
regulations as may be agreed upon between the British government and
the government of the United States.

In compliance with the wishes of the Secretary of the Treasury, I will
thank you to inform me if any steps have: been taken by the British
government to carry into effect the provisions of the above-mentioned
article esto United States vessels; and if so, to transmit to this De- —
partment 4 copy of such rules and regulations as may have been issued
relative thereto. | -

I have, &c., |


No. 312,
Sir Edward Thornton to ar, Fish.

WASHINGTON, October 1, 1873. (Received October 2.) -

Sir: With reference to your note of yesterday relative to the provis-
ions of the XX Xth article of the treaty of May 8, 1871, I have the honor
to submit to you that the practical mode of carrying “out those provis-
ions would be that the regulations of the United States and of the
Dominion of Canada relative to the transit of goods should be recipro-
cally examined, and, if approved, should be agreed to.

You are aware that the Secretary of the Treasury invited the govern-
ment of the Dominion to make any observations it might think proper
upon the United States regulations. :

The Dominion government suggested some , alterations, in a portion
of which the Secretary acquiesced, and at the same time transmitted .a
copy of its own regulations. Both of these documents I had the honor
to transmit to Mr. Bancroft Davis in my note of the 21st of July last.
In your note of the 5th of August last, you were good enough to for-