ward me the observations of the Secretary of the Treasury upon the
suggested alterations, but he made no comments upon the Canadian
regulations, nor did he state whether they were satisfactory to his
   It would appear to me, therefore, that it would be expedient that I
 should be enabled to inform the governor-general of Canada whether
 the Canadian regulations are approved and acquiesced in by the gov-
 ernment of the United States, and to transmit to him at the same time
 a fresh copy of the United States regulations embracing the amend-
 ments which the Secretary of the Treasury may think it right to adopt.
 It will be seen that at the end of the report of the Canadian customs
 department, of the 4th of June last, copy of which was inclosed in my
 note of the 21st of July, it is suggested that on receiving a copy of any
 new or amended regulations adopted by the Government of the United
 States, a complete revision of the Canada regulations and an assimila-
 tion as far as possible with those of the United States should be ordered.
      I have, &c.,
                                           EDW'D THORNTONI.

                              No. 313.
                 Mr. Fish to Sir Edward Thornton.

                                 DEPARTMENT OF STATE,
                                       Washington, October 4, 1873.
  SIR: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the
1st instant in answer to one addressed to you by this Department on
the 30th ultimo, requesting at the instance of the Secretary of the Treas-
ury certain information as to the action taken by the British govern.-
ment to carry into effect the provisions of 'article XXX of the treaty of
  A copy of your note has been transmitted to the Secretary of the
Treasury with a request that he will furnish this Department with an
expression of his views on the suggestions contained therein.
      I have, &c.,
                                             HAMILTON FISH.

                              No. 314.
                  Sir Edward Thornton to Mr..Fish.

           WASHINGTON, January 23, 1874. (Received January 24.)
  SiR: With reference to a conversation which I had with you on the
8th of November last, when I had the honor to speak to you upon Earl
Granville's suggestion for an arrangement with regard to the labor-
traffic in the South Sea Islands, I have been instructed by his lordship
to inform you that Her Majesty's government will be most willing to
co-operate with the Government of the United States with a view to
putting a stop to the abuses of the Macao coolie traffic, and it will be
prepared, if you think such a course desirable, to address, jointly with
the Government of the United States, a remonstrance on the subject to
the Portuguese government.