These form part of the conditions of, ob-

taining the license, and need not come into

the regulations.


Provided for,so far as is reasonable, by
the shooting regulations of August 17, 1871.


Licenses shall not be issued to the fol-
lowing classes of persons:

Young persons under fifteen years of


Persons unacquainted with the use of

Persons who are idiotic, mad, or other-
wise incapable.

Persons who have been punished for dis-
charging bows or fire-arms without cause.

Persons who act as guardians of woods,
fields, rivers, &c.

Persons who, having been punished for

the infraction of any of the rules relating

to hunting, shall not have obeyed the sen-
tence imposed for the previous infraction.

Hunting with fire-arms shall not be car- |
ried on in any of the places specified below:
Within a distance of 600 yards of places
crowded with houses, and in places where,
although rural districts, there is danger of
the shot flying wild and injuring human
beings. — - |
Places where a notice prohibiting hunt-

- ing is posted up.

Inside other persons’ dwellings or inclos-
ures. | |


The fire-arms to be used in hunting are
Japanese firelocks, carrying a ball of 4.8
momme, (about $ ounce avoirdupois,) and.
European sporting-guns. It is forbidden
to hunt with small-arms used in war.

Persons who possess sporting-guns must
observe the regulations enacted for the
control of fire-arms.


Obvious, without a distinct regulation.

Provided for by regulation II.

It is strictly forbidden to trample down
the crops in the fields, or to injure the trees,
even in places where hunting is not for-


The period for hunting with fire-arms
shall be from the 1st of November to the
dist of March, and going out hunting ex-
cept within those limits is prohibited.

NoTE.—According to the lay of the land, |
these limits may be extended, or in places
far removed from human dwellings they
may be entirely dispensed with.



Covered so far as is reasonable by regu-
lation IV. |

41 FR

Municipal officers, policemen, landlords,
and ‘guardians of woods, fields, rivers, &c.,
shall have theright of inspecting the license
carried by a person hunting with fire-arms.
Any person refusing to allow his license to
be inspected shall be considered as not pos-
sessing a license. —

In case of infraction of any of these regu-
lations the guilt of the offender shall be
determined according to the statements of
the above-mentioned classes of persons,
but other evidence will be admissible in
cases difficult of decision. 7