No. 656.
                      General &icldes to Mr. Fish.
                                         MADRID, November 28, 1873.
  Am without reply to my telegram to you of 26th. Have reason to
assure you that this government is ready to yield our terms of repara-
tion. Hope to announce this result to you this afternoon.

                                No. 657.

                       General Sickles to Mr. Fish.
                                         MADRID, November 28, 1873.
  Your plain instruction London of yesterday is just received, as also
your cipher telegram of same date.
  In conformity to your instruction of the 25th, I have awaited your
orders in reply to the propositions cabled you at 5 in the afternoon of
the 26th. Assuming that you regard-them as inadmissible, I propose,
unless meanwhile I receive other instructions from you, to renew my
request for my passports at 3 o'clock this day.

                                No. 65$.

                      General Sickles to Mr. Fish.
No. 887.]                  UNITED STATTEN LEGATION IN SPAIN,
               Madrid, November 28, 1873.: (Received December 23.)
  SIR: I have the honor to forward herewith copies of communica-
tions recently exchanged between the Count Maffei, the Italian charge
d'affaires in Madrid, and myself, respecting the authorization granted
to the former by the cabinet of Rome to take charge of the effects of
this legation and of American interests in event of my departure from
       I am, sir, &c.,
                                                   D. E. SICKLES.

                            [Inclosure 1 in No 887].
                        General Sickle8 to, Count 2Maffei.
Confidential.]          ...UWITED STATES LEGATION IN SPAIN,
                                                Madrid, November 24, 1873.
  MY DEA. COUNT: I conveyed to my Government tle intimation you kindlygave
me, that if a request:were- made by the President through the diplomatic
leave would be granted to you to take charge of ithe effects of this leation,
if an
occasion should arise to ask your good offices in-th-at regard.
  In reply I am informed that my Government-has sent such a :communication
to that
of His Majesty the King of Italy......
  I will thank you to acquaint me with the further instruction you may receive
this subject, and I in turn shall not fail to give you timely notice of my
     I am, &c.,
                                  *                     D. E. SICK(LES.