No. 21.
                    Mr.- Gadwalader &o Mr. Jay.
No. 442.1                         DEPARTlVIENT OF STATE,
                                      Washington, October 5, 1874.
  SIR: Your dispatch No. 799, bearing date September 16, in reference
to the case of one Josef Barts, who has presented a naturalization-cer-
tificate to the Austrian authorities as proof of citizenship, and inclosing
a copy of the correspondence With the foreign office on the question, is
received, and your action, as therein shown, is approved by the Depart-
  The right to enjoy such privileges as may attach to a citizen of the
  United States is properly proved by the production of a passport legally
  In every case where the action of a diplomatic or consular officer of
the United States is invoked, on behalf of a person claitiug to be an
citizen of the United States, it is incumbent on such officer not only to
carefully and zealously guard and protect the rights of all bona-fide
citizens, but also to carefully abstain from committing this Government
to a demand for protection on behalf of a person presenting a false or
fr'audulent claim to citizenship.
  Naturalized citizens who have become such solely to avoid the duties
and burdens attached to a residence in and allegiance to their own
country, and who have returned to their native country without inten-
tion to reside in :the United States, or to assume the duties or burdens
common to its citizens, who, in other words, are desirous of enjoying all
the benefits and immunities common to citizens of each country, and of
avoiding all corresponding duties in each, may be held to have forfeited
all right to the protection of the United States. Particular instructions
will be found on these questions in section 30 of the personal instructions
lately issued.
  The attention of the Department has also been called, on several
occasions, to applications for passports in foreign countries founded on
certificates of naturalization which, upon their face, bear conclusive evi-
dence that they have been illegally or fraudulently obtained. In such
cases a passport should be refused and the fraudulent certificate for-
Warded to this Department.
      lam, &c.,
                                JOHN L. CADWALADER,
                                               Acting Secretary.

                             No. 22
                    Mr- arnLderlaer to Mr. Fish.
       No.EGATIO                    OF AUSIETRIAHUNARY
                      ~~~~~~Washington, ]Octarch 30, 1874.(eevdMrh3.
ortomte time oprojeedJthef holdingwofhan iesnternatinal meeting, titha-c
viiaew toascertAintiang.whethertis.according to  citifesiceperndimntlsthe
qaranyoftine systemsfunisesnufc ienthsefureitagafinstonthe itrqucstioni
ofte cholera,andyuracifon,wasthmeasreinshomigtmst aprvdvantageouslybe


                        SLEGATION OF AuSTRIX-ttUNGARY,11
                   WahntnMrh30 89          (.Received March 030.),
  Mr. SECP.FTAIR O1F STATE: The. imperial and royal government has
or- some time projected the holding of an international meeting, with a.
view to ascertaining whether, according to -scientific experiments, the
quiarantine system furnishes sufficient sediurity againast the initroduction
of the cholera, and, if sol -wh t measu're's might most adv'antageouisly