No. 483.

                        Mr.   ish to Mr. Foste."

No. 109.1                               DEPARTMENT OF STATE,
                                           Washington, May 27, 1874.
  SiR: A copy of your dispatch, relative to the condemnation of the
assassins of Rev. John L. Stephens, having been communicated to the
American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, Boston, I trans-
mit for your information a copy of a letter, dated the 19th instant, ad-
dressed to this Departnient by Mr. Clark, the secretary, expressing, on
behalf of the board, much satisfaction because of the prompt attention
given by you to this case, and of the efficient measures adopted by the
Mexican authorities.
       I am, &c.,
                                                HAMILTON FISH.

                           Mr. Clark to Mr. Fish.
                                  BOSTON, May 19, 1874. (Received May 21.)
  DEAR SIR: I have the pleasure to acknowledge your favor of April 29, with
copy of dispatch from Mr. John W. Foster, the minister of the United States
in Mexico,
relating to the condemnation of the assassins of Rev. John L. Stephens. The
Board have heard with much satisfaction of the prompt attention given to
this case
by Mr. Foster in behalf of his Government, and of the efficient measures
adopted by
the Mexican authorities. If duly carried out, they Will do much to secure
to the lives and property of American citizens in that country.
  With thanks for your favor of the 29th ultimo, in behalf of the prudential
of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions,
                                                  N. G. CLARK,
                                                        Foreign Secretary.
            Secretary of State.

                                No. 484.

                        Mr. Foster to Mid. Fish.

No. 149.                 LEGATION OF THE UNITED STATEV,
                           Mexico, May 29, 1874. (Received June 17.)
   Sin: In my dispatch No. 98, January 24, I stated the action of the
Mexican Congress in revoking the railroad coTncession to Mr. E. L. Plumb,
as the representative of the International Railroad Company of Texas,
and in granting a similar concession to a Mexican company. The time
fixed for filing the bond for the faithful execution of the contract expired
on the 30th ot last month. Previous to that date the company applied
to Congress for a modification of the contract, extending the time for
filing the bond, and confining the concession for the present to the cou-
struction of a road from the city of Mexico to Queretaro. The President,
in the mean time, notified the company of the near approach of the time
