1002                         FOREIGN     RELATIONS.

       In pursuance of an act of the Congress of the United States of America,
     titled "An act concerning the registering and recording of ships
or vessels,"
  e  approved December 31, 1792, and of "An act to regulatethe admeasurement
  I tonnage of ships and vessels of the United States," approved May
6, 1864, Miles
  I T. Steele, of New Orleans, in the State of Louisiana, having taken or
  9  the oath required by the said acts, and having sworn that he is a citizen
of the
     United States, and sole and only owner of the steamer or vessel called
the Virgin,
  of New Orleans, whereof Miles T. Steele is at present master, and is a
citizen of the
  United States, as he hath sworn, and that the said steamer or vessel was
formerly a
  blockade-runner, and sold by Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned
  +  at the port of Mobile, February 14, 1866, as per register No. 18, issued
and dated
  b at Mobile, March 12, 1866, now surrendered properly and district changed;
  said- register, No. 18, having certified that the said vessel has one deck
and one
  4  mast, and that her length is 216,-? feet; her breadth, 24-&- feet;
her depth 10%-
  2  feet; her height, T- feet; that she measures four hundred forty-one
i _0- (441  -i
  tons, viz: capacity under tonnage-deck, 375I%'O tons; capacity between
  above tonnage-deck,       T0- tons; capacity of inclosures on the upper
deck, viz:
     66T-u tons; total tonnage, 441 a! tons; that she is a steamer, has a
round stern
and a scrawl-head. And the said Miles T. Steele having agreed to the description
admeasurement above specified, and sufficient security having been given,
to the said acts, the said steamer has been duly registered at the port of
New Orleans.
  Given under our hand and seal at the port of New Orleans, this 23d day
of June,.in
the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-six.
  And the United States having acquired title to said vessel, registered
as aforesaid,
in the collection of a debt due the United States by bill of sale from the
said Miles T.
Steele, dated May 14, 1867, and recorded in the custom-house at New Orleans,
in book
A, page 20, the said register has not been surrendered or renewed.
  To have and to hold the said steamer or vessel and appurtenances thereunto
ing unto him, the said John. F. Patterson, his executors, administrators,
and assigns,
to the sole and only proper use, benefit, and behoof of him, the said John
F. Patterson,
his executors, administrators, and assigns forever. And I, the said E. C.
Solicitor of the Treasury, as aforesaid, have, and bvythese presents do promise,
nant, and agree, for and in behalf of the United StateS:, to and with the
said John F.
Patterson, his heirs, executbrs, administrators, and assigns, to warrant
and defend the
said steamer or vessel, and all the ýother before'-mentioned appurtenances,
against all
and every person and persons Whomsoever claiming by, from, or under the United
   In testimony whereof, the said Everett C. Banfield, Solicitor of the Treasury,
 hereunto set his hand and seal this 27th day of August, in the year of our
Lord one
 thousand eight hundred and seventy.
   [SOLICITOR'S SEAL.]                                       E. C. BANFIELD,
                                                          Solicitor of the
   Signed, sealed, and delivered in presence of-,
       J. H. ROBINSON.
       H. C. WHITLEY.
  [United States internal-revenue stamp here.]
  Personally appeared before me, a notary public in and for the District
  Everett C. Banfield, Solicitor of the Treasury of the United States, and
  the within bill of sale to be his free act and deed.
  In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal of office the
  day of September, in the year.one thousand eight hundred and seventy.
  [SEAL.]                                                       N. CALLAN,
   Received and recorded September 20, 1870, 2A o'clock p. m.
                                                               T. W. -J.

                                          DISTRICT AND PORT OF NEW YORK,
   I hereby certify the within to be true copy of the original on record
in this office,
   Given under my hand and seal this 20th day of November, 1873.
   [Seal of the collector of the port of New York.,]              A. PUFFER,

   PORT Or        , District of     ,ss:
 No. 14.-25551.
   I, John F. Patterson, of the city, county, and State of New York, do solemnly
 according to the best of my knowledge and belief, that the ship or v essel
called the