[Inclosure 1 in No. 159.-Translation.]

                              Mr. Lafragua to Mr. Foster.

                                           DEPARTMENT OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS,
                                                              Mexico, May
27, 1874.
   SIR: The legation of the United States of America has always been accustomed
 hoist its flag when that of the republic was hoisted, which in due reciprocity
has been
 hoisted when that of the American legation has been.
   That reciprocity was interrupted on the 21st of March of the present year,
and again
 on the 8th and 15th of the present month.
   Although these events are surely no cause to alter or diminish the cordial
 existing between Mexico and the United States, the President of the republic
has in-
 structed me to address your excellency, to the end that you may be pleased
to inform
 me whether the American legation has taken any resolution on the subject,
with the
 sole object that, determining for the future the practice which may be followed,
 eciprocity may be observed on the part of Mexico.
   I reiterate, your excellency, the assurances of the very distinguished
 with which I am
       Your excellency's obedient servant,
                                                              J, M. LAFRAGUA.

                                 [Inclosure 2 in No. 159.]
                             Mr. Foster to Mr. Lafragua.

                                           LEGATION OF THE UNITED STATES,
                                                             Mexico, May
27, 1874.
   SIR: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your excellency's
note of 27th,
 instant, in which ,you state that the legation of the United States has
been accustomed
 always to raise its flag when the flag of the (Mexican) republic has been
raised, which
 in just reciprocity has been displayed whenever that of the American legation
 been; that this reciprocity was interrupted on the 21st of March of the
 year, and on the 8th and 15th instant; and that although these occurrences
 not surely a cause to alter or diminish the cordial relations which exist
between Mex-
 ico and the United States, the President has instructed your excellency
to address me
 to the end that I may be pleased to inform you whether the American legation
 taken any resolution on this subject, with the sole object, that determining
for the fu-
 ture the practice which may be followed, due reciprocity may be observed
on the part
 of Mexico. Your excellency will allow me to state that you have been incorrectly
 formed as to the practice of this legation. While the American legation
 during the year recognizes, by the display of its flag, the national anniversaries
 other public days observed by the Mexican government, and has always been
 not to be wanting in any proper exhibition of courtesy and comity, it has
not been its
 invariable practice to raise its flag on all the days where that of Mexico
was displayed
 by its government.
   In answer to the inquiry which your excellency makes by order of the President,
 givesIme pleasure to inform you that this legation has taken no new or recent
 tion upon the subject.
 This legation has never been officially informed of the days which are observed
 the Mexican government. It has, however, been its practice to display its
flag on the
 anniversary of Mexican independence, of the promulgation of the present
 tion, of the birthday of. the President, of the birth and death of Benito
Juarez, (with
 the accidental omission of the 21st of March last,) of the semi-annual opening
 losing of the sessions of the National Congress, and of such other public
days, the
 observance of which might not be construed into a want of courtesy to other
 nations. Such will continue to be the practice of this legation so long
as it shall ap-
 pear to be satisfactory to the Mexican government. During the past twelve
 it has been my pleasure to display the flag of this legation on eleven separate
 distinct occasions, in observance of Mexican national and public days, which
I trust
 will be considered by that government a just reciprocity for the two occasions
 which it has honored the anniversary of American independence and the birthday
 Washington. This legation does not ask, neither does it expect, the Mexican
 ment to raise its flag on every occasion when that of the legation is raised.
For ex-
 ample, one of the legal anniversaries of the United States, Thanksgiving-day,
is peculiar
to my own country, partakes of a religious character, and the date is fixed
each year
by a proclamation from the President. It is proper, in obedience to the proclamation
of the President, that the flag of this legation should be displayed on that