No. 683.

                     General Sickles to Mr. Fish.

                       MADRID, December 20, 1873-12.30 a. m.
                               (Received December 20-10.20 a. m.)
  It is stated here by authority that, in consequence of a communica-
tion this government has received from that of the United States, in
which it appears the Virginius is not an American ship, a reclamation
will be made by Spain for the restoration of the vessel and passengers.

                              No. 684.

                     Mr. Fish to General Sickles.

                                  WASHINGTON, December 20, 1873f
  Your resignation will be accepted. Letter of recall, with instructions,
will be forwarded by next mail.
  The Attorney-General decides that the Virginius was not rightfully
carrying the flag of the United States at the time of her capture; con-
sequently the salute willbhe.spontaneously dispensed with.

                              No. 685.

                      iI1r. Fish to General Sickles.

                WASHINGTON, December 20, 1873. (Sent 11.20 a. in.)
  Official advices received of surrender of survivors from Virginius.

                               No. 686.

                      General Sickles to Mr. Fish.
           MADRiD, December 26, 1873. (Received Dec. 26,y- p. m.)
   My resignation having been acceptedl I now respectfully renew my
 request for the publication of the correspondence relating thereto, com-
 prising my telegrams of the 6th, 16th, and 20th instant, and your replies
 of the 6th, 17th, and 20th. I beg that this request may be submitted
 to the President.