of the, coolies who are residing in Peru. This information was to be
furnished to counteract attempts which have been made. and were to be
continue(d, to inculcate the belief in China that the coolie trade ought
to be encouraged, and to induce the Chinese government to make the
diplomatic representative of PortugaCl, near'the government of Peru,
the medium of communication between the Chinese government and its
subjects in Peru.
  In reply, I turned the attention of th6 deputation to the nature of my
relations to the Peruvian government, which forbids my interference
with the internal regulations of this republic wherein citizens of the
United States are not concerned. I was not- at liberty to discuss or finid
fault myself with the policy of Peru on this subject, and could not with
propriety become instrumental in opening and conducting a discussion
as to the wisdom or policy of Peruvian laws concerning a portion of
the laboring population of that country, and advised the committee to
send any communication they desired to make to the Chinese govern-
ment through the mail.
  I saw no impropriety in addressing their communications to the care
of the United States legation in China.
At the conclusion of the interview the committee asked me to make
known to'the Secretary of State their visit, to me and its object, which
I promised to do. This interview prompts me to say to the Secretary
of State that I have confidence in the repugnance repeatedly declared
by the minister of foreign affairs and the President of Peru for the
coolie trade. It is not, however, easy to arrest this inhuman traffic.
Labor is much needed by the agricuiturists and railroad contractors,
and these classes combined can exercise control on the Congress of Peru.
  The coolie trade will be arrested if the mission recently sent from
Peru to China is successful in their undertaking, which has for its object
an emigration from China to Peru or laborers, with their wives and
children, protected by, treaty stipulations between the two govern-
ments; and looking to the crowded condition of the population of China,
and the need of labor for the development of the immense latent values
of Peru, it seems that the cause of humUanity and civilization would be
promoted if the Peruvian mission to China results in an understanding
on this subject of emigration' between the governments of the-two
       I am, &c.,
                                             FRANOIS THOMAS.

                               No. 512.
                       Mr. Thomas to Mr. Fish,
No. 77.]                             UNITED STATES LEGATION,
         Lima, Peru, December 20, 1873. (Received January 19, 1874.)
  SIR: I have assumed that the inclosed copy of a decree of the Presi.
dent of Peru will be interesting to the Secretary of State. This paper
prescribes rules and regulations for the government of the banks of
Peru which are not to be found in the laws by which these institutions
are established. A proclamation of this character, if issued by the
President of the United States, would surprise the public. It is other-
wise in this country. The President of Peru issues proclamations intend-
ing to have the laws of Congress executed, and issues other proclama-
tions to provide for what the President considers omissions in existing
laws; and these executive decrees are considered equally obligatory by: