Same subject........2..2.0.0-- bec ee ence eee ee eens


No.| From whom'and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
195 | Mr. Fish to Mr. Hegermann} April 29} Inclosing copy of dispatch, No. 19, from the United 380
States chargé d'affaires at Peking. respecting
the action of the Chinese authorities in regard
to the Great Northern Telegraph Company.
196 | Mr. Hegermann to Mr. Fish .| May 3 | Expressing thanks for the documents accompany- | 381
: ing Mr. Fish’s note of the 29th April.
197 |... 2... Co June 14 | Communicating the views of the Danish govern- 381
. ment respecting a proposed international con-
: vention for the protection of submarine cables.
198 | Mr. Cadwalader to Mr. He- | Jaly 15 Expressing pleasure that the efforts of the repre- 383
germann. | sentatives of the United States, in behalf of the
Great Northern Telegraph Company, have been
of service to the interests of Denmark. -
199 | Mr. Wing to Mr. Fish ...... May 15 | Current coin of Ecuador ...........---------e+---- 383
200 | .-.-. dO . 222-2. eee ee eee eens Aug. 11 | Convening of the Ecuadorian Congress..........-. | 3384
201 j...--. dO ..22-.20- 2. eee eee Aug. 28 | Outrage upon the grave of William C. Doval .:....|. 384
202 |...... MO... 2-2 eee ee eee eee Sept. 20 | Report of the minister of the treasury of Ecuador.| 389
203 |....-. dO ...----..--2-2-2----- Sept. 25 | Amnesty granted to those accused of political | . 390
co offenses against Ecuador. .
204 |...... MO oo cee ewww ee cece en enee “Oct. 10 | Removal of duty on American machinery......... 390
205 |..-.-. dO 0.2... eee eee eee ee Nov. 12 | Earthquake at Quito..........2. 0.200.000 220 clean 391
206 |..2-..d0 2.2... eee eee eee Dec. 2) Failure to detect the perpetrators of the outrage 391
on the Protestant cemetery.
207 |...-.-. do... 2.22 e ee eee eee eee Dec. 6 | Readiness of Ecuador to adopt such a code of sig- 391
nals as may be agreed upon by other powers.
208 |.-...- CO 2. ee eee eee cee eee Dec. 12 | Inclosing a copy of a decree granting an annual 392
. tribute to the Pope.

209 |.....- GO... 2. eee eee eee eee ee Dec. 28 | Construction of high-roads and railroads by Ameri- | 393
can engineers. -
210 |.-.-.- do. eee eee eee eee eee Dec. 36 | Inclosing copy of an enactment of the Congress of 393

Ecuador, placing that republic under the protec-
1 1 tion of the Sacred Heart.
B74. Fe ce
211 |...... GO Loe eee eee ee ene eee nee Mar. 2) Inclosing newspaper article respecting coal and 394
salt mines in Ecuador.
212 |...... CO 22-2. e eee eee eens Mar, 30 | Inclosing correspondence respecting the act of the 395
po United States Congress authorizing the coinage
. of money for foreign countries to be executed at
the United States mints. Sm
213 |...... CO ..te eee nsec eee eee April 6 | Information and suggestions respecting steamship- 396
lines. .. 5
214 |...... dO... ese eee eee eee eee | Aug. 10 | Inclosing newspaper extracts respecting steam- 396
navigation along the Pacifie coast. oan
215 |....-- GO ..--2 22. eee eee eee eee Aug. 11 | Financial crisis in Ecuador ...........2....2.0.00- — 398
_— 1873. Be
216 | Mr. Washburne to Mr. Fish.| Aug. 30 | Number of American citizens in France .......--- 400
Q17 |... CO . 0... ee eee eee eee eee Sept. 9 | Coinage of the mint in France .................- =} 400
218 |....-- dO 2.22. eee eee eee eee Oct. 20 | Number of Americans in France ; proposed Amer- 401
ican directory. .— an
219 |...... GO 2. een nee e eee cee ene Oct. 31 | Incloses translation of a letter addressed by the 402
. Count de Chambord to Mr. Chesnelon. ;
220 |..---. dO - 2.22. e eee eee eee Nov. 9 | Commission elected to consider the proposition of 404
. General Changarnier. oo '
Q21 |...-.. CO 2... cece ee ecu eee eee Nov. 13 | Suggesting that the attention of naturalized citi- 404,
zens born in France be called to the inconveni- ‘
ence and expense they incur in returning to the
place of their birth. .
222 |...--- dO .....----02-+.--2-04-| Nov. 14 | French polities 2...2.....- errr weeeeee mawees wee} 405
1874. vo
223 |...--. do ...-..---.--......--.| Jan. 9 | Ministerial crisis threatened.:..........2..-...2:. 406
224 |...... GO 2. eee e car eeeeee eevee} Jan. 15 Return or quiet inthe ministry. First presiden- | 407
- tial ball.
225 | Mr. Fish to Mr. Washburne.| Jan, 30 | Inclosing copy ofa dispatch from the ministers at | °407
, ho St. Petersburg, Berlin, and Copenhagen respect- |
ing the reported transfer of the Danish West
oo India Islands to Germany.
226 [...... GO ..--...- eee eeeeeeeee-| Feb. 2 e 407