Felix Fernandez.
Juan Soto.
Manuel Perez.
Jos6 Otero.
Jos6 Antonio Ramos.
Ramon Barrios.
Ignacio Valdgs.
Jos6 Santisteban.
Felix Morejon.
Francisco Pacheeo.
Evaristo Sungunegui.
Ramon Gonzalez.
Antonio Chacon.
Francisco Rivero.
Sireno Otaro.
Cirlos Pacheco.
Antonio Padilla.
Enrique Canals.
Indalecio Trujillo.
Dogingo Diaz.
Cdrlos Gonzalez.
Ozear Varona.
Justo Consuegra.

Patricio Martinez.
Enrique Ayala.
 Manuel Saum~l.
Domingo Rodriguez.
Luis Rebollo.
Arturo Rivero
Cdrlos Manin.
William S. Valls.
Ramon R. D. Armas.
Manuel Menenses.
Joseph A. Smith.
General Ryan.
Philips Abecaler.
William Curtis.
Samuel Hall.
S. Gray.
Sidney Robertson.
George Winters.
William Marshall.
Evan Pento.
George Burke.
Leopoldo Rizo.


  As is easy to perceive, neither Santa Rosa nor Quesada figures in this
list, which
leads us to suppose that there are in it many fictitious names of persons
of more im-
  Neither are the names of the crew included. The list comprises names only
of the
passengers who came to swell the ranks of the insurrection.
  From the "Voz de Cuba," (extra.)
  HAVA-NA, November 7, 1873.

                                No. 721.

                         Mr. Hall to Mr. Fish.


               HAvANA, November 8, 1873. (Received at 12.30 p. m.)
  Ryan and three Cubans, styled chiefs, shot on fourth, before news of
capture reached here. No other executions reported. Claimed rights
and considerations under treaty for our citizens, and that no death-sen-
tence be enforced without knowledge of both governments. Telegraph
interrupted with St. Jago de Cuba. Some details already sent; others
go to-day and will follow.

                                 No 722.

                         Mr. ]all to Mr. Davis.

                      Havana, November 8, 1873. (Received Nov. 13.)
   SIR: Referring to my No. 295, of 5th instant, transmitting a copy of a
communication which I considered it my duty to address to the captain.
general, claiming for such of our citizens as might be found on board
