fact that the government of Peru has just enacted a new code of regulations
for the
protection of Chinese emigrants, making it impossible that they should be
to any abuses, which my government has always condemned and endeavored to
ish; and at the same time assuring them all the rights which the constitution
and lib-
eral laws of the country guarantee to all foreigners in their persons and
  For these good offices allow me to give your excellency my government's
and my own
anticipated thanks, which it is my earnest hope to be able soon to express
to your excellency.
  Begging you to please send your answer to the American consulate at Shanghai,
with instructions that it be kept for me there, I have the honor to assure
your excel-
lency of my highest regard and most distinguished consideration.
                                                     AURELIO GO Y GARCIA.

                               [Inclosure 2 in No. 276.J

                             M/r. Low to Se-for Garcia.

                                          LEGATION OF THE U-NITED STATES,
                                                             Peking, July
5, 1873.
  SIR: I have had the honor to receive your excellency's communication of
the 15th
ultimo, informing me of your appointment as minister plenipotentiary from
Peru to
Japan and China, and stating that it is your intention to shortly visit Peking
for the
purpose of negotiating a treaty of amity and commerce with China.
  Some months since the honorable Secretary of State of the United States
me that the government of Peru was about sending a mission to China, and
ized me to use my good offices toward enabling it to accomplish the object
for which
it would be sent.
  I have now the honor to inform you that, in compliance with your request,
I have
addressed a note to Prince Kung, notifying him that a Peruvian mission would
reach China, and stating in general terms the objects which your government
to accomplish.
  If you find that my good offices will be of service to you in any way,
I beg that youl
will command me.
      I have,&c.,
                                                        FREDERICK F. LOW.

                               [Inclosure 3 in No. 276.1
                             Mr. Low to Prince Kung.
                                           LEGATION OF THE UNITED STATES,
                                                             Peking, July
5, 1873.
  SIR: Some months since my Government informed me that the government of
was about to send a mission to Japan and China, with a view of concluding
treaties ot
amity and commerce with those countries. I was at the same time instructed
to render
the Peruvian envoy such assistance as I could consistently with my other
  I have just received a letter from the Peruvian envoy, stating that he
is about leav-
ing Japan for China, and requesting me to inform your Imperial Highness of
the fact.
Hie further requests me to say that it is his wish to conclude a treaty between
country and this empire similar to those already existing between China and
the chief
western powers.
  In communicating this to your Imperial Highness, I take the opportunity
to expresa
the hope'that the mission will be received in the same spirit which animated.Peru
sending it, and that nothing will occur to prevent the conclusion of a treaty
will be advantageous to both countries.
      I have, &c.,
                                                        FREDERICK F. LOW.

                               [Inclosure 4 in No. 276.]
                             Mr. Low to SeKor Garcia.
                                          LEGATION OF THE UNITED STATES,
                                                            Peking, July
17, 1873.
  Sin: Referring to my dispatch to your excellency of the 5th instant, inclosing
a copy-
of my letter to Prince Kung, which I trust you have already received,-  I
have now th-