1092                        FOREIGN     RELATIONS.

                                [Inclosure 1 in No. 19.J
                                             UNITED STATES CONSULATE,
                                                Santiago de Cuba, December
7, 1873.
   SiR: I now give you all news of importance since Mr. Schmitt's last, per
steamer of
 the 3d instant.
   On the morning of the 4th instant, at about 2½ a. mi., the Virginius
prisoners, ninety-
 two in number, were put on board the Spanish gunboat Bazan, and sent with
all pos-
 sible dispatch to Cienfuegos, thence to Havana by rail.

   Commander Braine had the governor's word that he should be informed of
any change
 of the prisonors; but the governor did not inform either the commander or
 until I called to ask him about their removal to the Moro. He then informed
me that
 the prisoners had been sent to the Moro on account of the crowded state
of the jail, and
 that they might have better quarters, and that he had ordered them to be
sent to the
 Moro; but that he had received orders from the captain-general the same
evening of
 their removal to send them at once to Havana, (which Commander Braine and
 did not believe.)
   The governor pretended to tell us that when he had ordered the prisoners
to be sent
 to the Moro he had not the remotest idea that they would be ordered to Havana;
 CGmmander Braine, in his protest against their removal, gently hinted to
his excel-
 lency that he hardly believed all the governor told him.
   The commander of the French war-vessel called on the governor the day
that these
 men were sent to the Moro to protest against the remov'al of a Frenchman,
(one of the
 passengers.) The governor informed him that he -would have his man sent
back to-the
 city and placed in hospital, in order that the commander might see him.
 The next morning, when the French commander learned that the person in question
 had been sent with the others to Havana, he became greatly displeased.
 The French vessel sailed this morning for Havana. The English ram Niobe
 destination, 4th instant. The Juniata is cruising off this port since the
5th instant.
 She communicated with the Kansas (still in port) yesterday, the Kansas sending
out a
 The Wyoming left on the 4th, at 9 a. m., for Key West. The excitement is
 subsiding. Captain Reid, of the Kansas, Mr. Schmitt, and myself, called
on the gov-
 ernor, requesting to call his attention to the scurrilous articles that
have appeared in
 the "Bandera Espafiola," directedagainst Mr. Schmitt since the
Virginius was brought
 in here. He informed us that hehad not seen any of the articles in question
until it
 was brought to his notice by one of. the interpreters yesterday just before
our arrival.
 He seemed very indignant, and said he would have it stopped at once. Nothing
 in the issue of to-day.
      I am, sir, &c.,
                                                        A. N. YOUNG,
                                                            United States
  HENRY C. HALL, Esq.,
      United States Consul- General, Havana.

                                [lncl6sure 2 in No. 19.1
  [See list of crew captured in dispatch No. 107 dated December 4,1873 Santiago
The remainder of those on board were sent to jail on the 4th, and thence
by the
Bazan, on the same night, to Cienfuegos, and then ce by rail to Havana-ninety-two
of all
nations; ten left at the hospital sick, who will also go to Havana as soon
as recovered,
making, all told, one hundred and two men.

                               [Inclosure3 in No. 19.]
Li~t of one hundred and two passengers captured on board the steamer Virginius
by the Span-
                             ish war-steamer Tornado.
                          SHOT ON 4THINtOVEMBER, 1873.

              Name.                 Wherefro.~Married or
                                   N .Where from.  single.  Age.   Occupation.

  1. Bernab Varona .................... Puerto Principe ... Single. 27  Proprietor.
  2. Pedro Cespedes ............"':..... !Bayamo ........."1Married
.... - 47  None.
  3. JesuslSo.. de ......l....ol.....f.............i.......Cie.nWA..fyuego..s......Single.anda...3.
... [.:do...armer.]arer
                 4. W A.C. yan.............Canda.........d .28 Lawyer.