No. 808.

                       Mr. Russell to Mr. Fish.

                        October 25, 1874. (Received November 14.)
  SIR: I have the honor to report that on the 23d I mailed a dispatch.
via Col on, stating the fact that an insurrection existed in the State of
  Having experienced the uncertainty of the mails in various cases, I
write again to repeat the announcement. The revolt is headed by Gen-
eral Colina, formerly vice-president, (Designado,) and, for a time, act-
ing president of Venezuela. He is a man of mixed race-white, African,
and Indian-a brave soldier, but ignorant and of intemperate habits.
  The chief seat of rebellion is Coro, in the State of Falcon, formerly the
State of Coro. But it is supposed to have friends in Barquesimeto,
Zulia, and other States. Of this, however, there is no trustworthy in-
  The government appears to be prepared fully for the rebellion, which
was foretold by the President in a recent public speech at Puerto Ca-
bello. Vigorous measures have been taken to put it down. The gov-
ernment never before had such resources at its command as now, and
it is sustained with enthusiasm by the great body of the people; offerw
of services are made from all quarters, and especially from leading men,
who have been politically opposed to the administration of President
Guzman Blanco.
  The universal opinion here is, that the insurrection will be put down,
and that the government will be strengthened by it. The minister of
foreign relations, Mr. Gutierrez, has gone from Caracas on business con-
nected with the trouble, and Dr. Jesus Maria Blanco is appointed to
act in his stead.
      I am, &c.,
                                            THOMAS RUSSELL.

  P. S.-I have just learned that the port of La Guaira, as well as that
of Puerto Cabello, is closed. I presume that vessels to and from the
United States will have no difficulty in entering or leaving.
       Very respectfully,
                                            THOMAS RUSSELL.

                              No. 809.

                       Mr. Fish to ir. Russell.

No. 23.]                           DEPARTMENT OF STATE,
                                       Washington, October 29, 1874.
  SIR: Referring to your dispatch No.115, under date of the 19th ultimo,
relating to the arrival in Venezuela of emigrants from the United
States, and to their disappointments and sufferings, I have to state that
the Department is aware of no method either of relieving the destitute
who have already gone, or from preventing others from going to that
       I am, &c.',
                                              HAMILTON FISH.