France has already regained her self-possession, and all political parties
are happily
convinced of the necessity of maintaining public peace. By the wisdom of
his gov-
ernment, the marshal, Duke of Magenita, mainntains and causes to prosper
this peace.
  From the bottom of my heart I desire the best success to his conciliating
and con-
serving policy toward all the interests of France.
  Mr. Consul, you know all my long-standing sympathy for your country, a
which would be increased, if it were possibleĆ½ since France has accepted
the republi-
can form, [of government.] You and myself, Mr. Consul, have learned to know
other since a long time; you could not, therefore, fail to know of my policy
all [in
the interest] of peace and conciliation.

                         [Inelosurn 3 in No. 288.-Translation.]
                   Toast proposed by the minister of foreign affairs.

  Mr. CONSUL: We are happy to draw your attention to the enthusiasm with
each one hastens to come to render homage by his presence to Marshal MacMahon,
and to
thank him for the honor which he does the-Haytian nation in conferring upon
the chief of
its government the cross of grand officer of the Legion of Honor. This mark
of high
distinction can only cement the good relations already existing between the
  Hayti, as you know, is the emancipated daughter of France. These two countries
have constantly been mindful of the close ties which unite them. It is the
language which is our language; it is French books that instruct our youth:
i.t is
most often French ideas which stimulate us and make us gravitate toward progress.
Also penetrated with the sympathy of Hayti for France, our statesmen have
always en-
deavored to maintain between the two countries the best relations of peace
and friend-
ship. The government of President Nissage felicitates itself for having contributed
tighten again these good relations, and it is from the bottom of my heart
that I invite
you, gentlemen, to drink with me for their maintenance to the prosperity
of France.

                          [Inclosure 4 in No. 288.-Translation.]

 Marshal MacMahan, Duke of Magenta, President of the French Republic, to
General Nissage
                      Saget, President of the republic of Hayti.

   Desirous of giving you a striking testimony of our personal esteem, we
have conferred
 upon you:the cross of grand officerof the national Order of the Legion of
Honor, andwe
 hasten to remit you the insignia of this dignity. We felicitate ourselves
on the good
 relations established between our two countries, and we are happy to recognize
 that, under your conciliating authority, a loyal and scrupulous execution
of treaties
 has rendered every day these relations more intimate and more sincere. In
 you this token of the remembrance (marque de souvenir) of France, which
so many in-
 terests and so many sentiments of sympathy unite to Hayti since its origin,
we are
 pleased to make our good wishes for the prosperity of the Haytian Republic,
and to
 renew to you the assurances of our attachment.
   Thereupon we pray God that He will hold you in His sacred and holy keeping.
   Written at Versailles the 11th day of January, 1874.
                                                   MARSHAL MAcMAHON,
                                                               Duke of Magenta.

                                     No. 372,

                            Mr. Bassett to Mr. Aish.

 No. 296.]                        LEGATION OF THE tUNITMD STATES,
                    Port au Prince, April 9, 1874.      (Received April 21.)
    SI R: Referring to my No. 284, of the 23d of February last, I have
 the honor to state that I have just learned from confidential but relia-