the honor to inclose copies of the protocol of the 29th ultimo, between
Admiral Polo and myself, and-of fthe agreement of the 8th of December,
and to request that the steps necessary to carry out the same may be
taken by the Department of Justice.
      I have, &c.,                           HAMILTON FISH.

                             No. 753.

                      Mr. Williams to Mr. Fish.

                                   DEPARTM1ENT OF JUSTICE,
            Washington, December 23, 1873. (Received December 27.)
   SIR: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of
 the 22d instant, relative to carrying out the agreement of the United
 States with Spain respecting proceedings against the Virginius, and
 inclosing copies of the protocol of the 29th ultimo, between the Spanish
 minister and yourself, and of the agreement of the 8th instant.
   In reply, I have to inform you that I have transmitted said papers,
 with a copy of your letter, to the United States attorney at New York,
 with instructions to have all the necessary papers prepared to libel the
 Virginius, upon her arrival there, for violation of the laws of the United
 States, and to take such action, touching the peiasons connected with the
 enterprise, as may seem proper.
       Very respectfully,                  GEG. H. WILLIAMS.

               SWEDE-N AND NORWAY.
                               No. 751.

                      Mr. Stenersen to Mr. Fish.

                   *Washington, March 25, 1874. (Received March 26.)
    M1r. SECRETARY OF STATE: Under date of October 2, 1872, I had
  the honor to address you a note, the object of which was to ask, in favor
  of the line of steamers plying between Norway and the United States,
  the same exemption from payment in this country of tonnage, anchor-
  age, beaconage, and light-house dues that has been granted to the
  Belgian steamers in virtue of the treaty between the United States-and
  Belgium of July 177 1858, and to obtain the restitution of the duties
  which have already been paid.
    In reply to that note you were pleased, M[r. Secretary of State, to
  send me, under date of October 17, 1872, a copy of a letter from the Sec-
  retary of the Treasury, of the 10th of the same month, wherein the