SPAIN-STEAMER        VIRGINIUS.                  
Bembeta, a brother of Cespedes, a son of Quesada. Jesus del Sol, together
with others
making 165 in all, some of them being very prominent persons. The names of
of them are unknown. In their flight they threw their horses and a part of
their cargo
overboard, andkused hams and quantities of other provisions as fuel. The
Tornado got
sight of them at half past 2 o'clock in the afternoon, and overtook them
at 10 o'clock
at night, near the coast of Jamaica.
  "The competent tribunal is trying the piratical prisoners."
  This news, we do not doubt, will till all loyal hearts with joy, for the
Virginius is
the first piraticaw vessel that has been taken by our brave tars. The filihusters
been taken to Santiago de Cuba, where they are being tried.
  More severe penalties are provided for the crime of piracy than for any
other by the
laws of all civilized nations. We suppose that among the prisoners must be
Rosa, Ryan, the American, and others mentioned in the letters of our New
York cor-
respondent, who is known to the readers of the "Diario." Any intelligence
that we may
receive in relation to this important event will be published by us without
delay. It
now only remains for us to add that the Tornado is commanded by Captn dlionisio
  We have neither time nor space now to enter into considerations concerning.the
ture of the Virginius, to which vessel we have so often referred in our columns;
we neither can nor will close this article without warmly congratulating
the Spanish
navy, and especially the brave crew of the Tornado, his excellency Captain-General
Jovellar, who commences his career on this island with so great success,
as a nucleusof
future days of complete victory, and the loyal men of Cuba, who will excslam
us, filled waith the most holy enthusiasm, Hurrah for the Spanish navoy!
H eurrah for
the integrity of ourr country's territory!

   We have just received a "Gaceta" extra, in which is published
the second dispatch.
 It is-pretty much'the same as the one which our readers have just read above.
 reads thus:
   "According to a telegram received from the general commanding the
first division,
 the steamer Tornado got sight of the steamer Virginius at haf past 2 o'clock
 in the afternoon of October 31, and came up with her at 10 o'clock at night,
 near the coast of Jamaica. The following individuals were found on board
of her
 and taken prisoners: Bembeta, a brother of Cespedes, Jesus del Sol, a son
 Quesada, and others, making a total of 165, some of them being persons of
 tance. They threw their homes overboard in their flight, and used a portion
of their
 cargo as fuel.
   "The competent tribunal is trying the piratical prisoners.
   "The foregoing is published for general information, by order of
his excellency the
 brigadier chief of E. M., Pedro de Zea."'

                               GENERAL NEWS_
   A committee of the! Spanish Club of Havana called to-day at 12 o'clock
m. te
 congratulate his: excellency the governor captain-general on his safe arrival,
and to
 compliment him on his taking charge of his office, stating to him, at the
same time,
 that they considered as a most happy augury the circumstance that his arrival
 these shores had occurred at the same: time with the capture of the filibustering
 steamer Virginius.
   The same committee then congratulated his excellency the commandant-general
 this naval station, and with him the navy at large, on the very important
 just rendered by it to our country.

   On receiving the intelligence of the capture of the Virginius, the inhabitants
 Muralla and Mercaderes streets hung out festoons and similar emblems of
 as is done on national holidays.

                 [From the "Voz de Cuba" extra, Notember 5, 1873.]
   MOST IMPORTANT CAPTURE.-The command of his excellency General Jovellar
 this island is inaugurated under the most brilliant auspices. The national
 Tornado has captured the famous filibuster steamer Virginius, on board of
which were
 the following rebel leaders : Jesus del Sol, Bembeta, a brother of Cespedes,
a son of
 Quesada, and 160 other persons, among whom it seems that there were other
   The valuable cargo of the Virginius has likewise fallen into the hands
of the brave