J-STAGE (The Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic) is a repository of academic journal articles and research papers created and maintained by the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JSTA). Entries marked with the “Free/PDF” icon are available in full-text form free of charge. Some items may require a nominal fee for viewing. Other entries consist of bibliographic citations only. If an item's full text is not available, search the journal title in the UW Library Catalog to see if the journal is available through other databases; if it is not, use ILL. Patrons may register for MY J-STAGE, which allows access to additional services. Access to J-STAGE is free, and the site is available independent of the UW Libraries website. NOTE: When accessing the database on non-campus computers, using Google Chrome is recommended (PDF files may not open in older browsers or if the Abode Reader Font Pack for Japanese has not been installed).