The Literature Collection is a multilayered grouping of works in literature and the humanities. From medieval to modern, scholarly to satirical, there is something for everyone. Diversity rules: there are texts translated from Nordic languages, texts left untranslated from Spanish, poetry old and new, and a rich vein of information about the writer James Joyce. And that's just the beginning! We invite the serious researcher, or the merely curious, to explore what we have gathered, and to return again and again. More Information about Selected Subcollections: A) The Nordic Translation Series was published by the University of Wisconsin Press between 1965 and 1970. The series presented here contains eleven texts by nineteenth- and twentieth-century authors. The works were translated into English from their original languages, which include Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, Icelandic, and Finnish. B) Robert Louis Stevenson's Fables was published in New York by Longmans, Green in 1902. Previously, the thirteen fables had been published with other works. Stevenson had a long-standing fascination with the fable as a literary form. In 1888, he approached his publisher with a collection of fables that he had composed over the years. This edition includes six etchings by Ethel King Martyn.