Issues in reusing online resources / Allison Littlejohn -- Granularization / Charles Duncan -- Keeping the learning in learning objects / Daniel R. Rehak and Robin Mason -- Engaging with the learning object economy / Lorna M. Campbell -- Combining reusable learning resources and services with pedagogical purposeful units of learning / Rob Koper -- Models for open learning / Katie Livingston Vale and Philip D. Long -- Reusable educational software : a basis for generic learning activities / Diana Laurillard and Patrick McAndrew -- Pedagogical designs for scalable and sustainable online learning / Ron Oliver and Catherine McLoughlin -- Designing for reuse and versioning / Mary Thorpe, Chris Kubiak, and Keir Thorpe -- Developing and reusing accessible content and applications / Jutta Treviranus and Judy Brewer -- Digital libraries and repositories / Charles Duncan and Cuna Ekmekcioglu -- Learning content interoperability standards / Bill Olivier and Oleg Liber -- Use and reuse of digital images in teaching and learning / Grainne Conole, Jill Evans, and Ellen Sims -- Assessing question banks / Joanna Bull and James Dalziel -- Sharing and reuse of learning resources across a transnational network / Joachim Wetterling and Betty Collis -- Identifying the complexity of factors in the sharing and reuse of resources / Carmel McNaught -- A comparison of issues in reuse of resources in schools and colleges / Allison Littlejohn, Insung Jung, and Liz Broumley -- An incremental approach to staff development in the reuse of learning resources / Allison Littlejohn -- Reuse of resources within communities of practice / Rachel A. Harris and Carol A Higgison