
Cuerpo y comicidad en la poesía ibérica del siglo XIII

Author / Creator
Rubio Moiron, Rocio, author
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In my dissertation, "Cuerpo y comicidad en la poesía ibérica del siglo XIII," I explore how humor manifests itself in 13th-century Iberian poetry, with a focus on the different mechanisms which act...

In my dissertation, "Cuerpo y comicidad en la poesía ibérica del siglo XIII," I explore how humor manifests itself in 13th-century Iberian poetry, with a focus on the different mechanisms which activate humor with references to the body. When analyzing texts in Iberian poetry, we can identify a trend in basing humor on physical descriptions, bodily functions and non-conventional uses of the body. In 13th-century poetry, the comical appears not only in expected contexts--such as the profane Galician-Portuguese Cantigas d'escarnio e mal dezir--, but also erupts unexpectedly in the most serious and sacred of places--like hagiographic texts--, showing us that humor and the body are deeply rooted in medieval life. The study of the interplay between the comical and corporeality in literature not only allows us to better understand the texts, but also to comprehend important changes in the 13th-century society which produces them: the body is not only an enemy that leads us to sin, but also an instrument to redemption, and humor plays a key role in human salvation. My thesis includes, for the first time, an exhaustive analysis of humor in 13th-century Iberian poetry, considering not only Castilian poetry, but also the lyric production in Galician-Portuguese and Provençal.


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