The contours of intellectual property law -- Subject matter: creative expression, "no matter how humble, crude, or obvious" -- Copyright does not protect ideas, functional aspects, infringing material, government works -- Obtaining protection and licensing: ownership, formalities, duration -- Exclusive rights: their enforcement and limitations -- Patentable subject matter: products and processes -- Substantive standards for protection: new, useful, and nonobvious inventions -- Obtaining protection, ownership, and licensing: of hoops and pitfalls -- Rights and infringement : "the benefit of his invention" -- Subject matter of trademark law -- Substantive standards for protection : "the source-distinguishing ability of a mark" -- Obtaining protection and licensing : using, registering, licensing, and losing a trademark -- Infringement and related rights under trademark law -- Trade secret subject matter : information with economic value from not being generally known -- Getting protection through reasonable security measures and losing protection through public disclosure -- Misappropriation and remedies -- Three more state law theories and federal preemption