2 audio discs (111 min.) : digital, CD audio ; 4 3/4 in
1.4 m/s
audio file
CD audio
Charles Schoenenberger (singing and yodeling) ; Louisa Schneckenbuehl (harmony vocals) ; Otto Rindlisbacher (piano accordion) ; Karl J. Hoppe (violin) ; Frieda Haldi (singing and yodeling) ; Jacob Jost (harmony vocals) ; Constantin Wunderle (zither) ; with unnamed vocal quartets and accordion duets
Produced by James P. Leary, Richard Martin, and Meagan Hennessey
Title from disc label.
Contains solo yodel songs, yodel duets, songs, piano-accordion and violin duets, accordion duets and a capella singing by male and mixed quartets.
"In 1920 Ferdinand Ingold, a poor but visionary Swiss settler in the small Wisconsin town of Monroe, audaciously launched a record label, Helvetia - invoking his homeland's ancient name and celebrating its musical heritage. Praised in the immigrant press yet beset by fiscal challenges, Helvetia issued a scant 36 sides. Scattered, scarce, and nearly forgotten, Ingold's entire catalog, newly restored and remastered, is offered here. Rollicking and somber, sentimental and lusty, these Swiss, German, and Tyrolean tunes and songs feature virtuso instrumental combos, vocal quartets, and especially yodelers from Swiss communities in New Jersey, Ohio, and Wisconsin"--container.
"Produced by Archeophone Records in cooperation with the Mills Music Library and the Center for the Study of Upper Midwestern Cultures at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, with partial support from the National Endowment for the Humanities"--container.
"All selections are public domain"--booklet.
Program notes by James P. Leary, with illustrations, lyrics and translations, performers' biographies, bibliographical references & discographical details (60 pages) inserted in container.
Forms part of: Wisconsin Music Archives.
Vocal selections sung principally in Swiss German; disc 1, tracks 11 and 17 and disc 2, tracks 11, 17 and 18 sung in English.
Disc 1. Säntis Marsch (Santis March) -- Frohsinn auf den Alpen (Joy in the Alps) -- Hoert Ihr's von den Bergen Klingen (Hear it sound from the mountains) -- Hans und Liesel (Hans and Liesel) -- Das lieben bringt grosse Freude (Loving brings great joy) -- Unterwaldner Jodel (Unterwaldner Yodel) -- Der rote Schwyzer (The red-haired Swiss) -- Vo mine Berge muss i scheide (I must depart from my mountains) -- Auf dem schoenen Zuerichsee (On beautiful Lake Zurich) -- Kuhreigen (Cow call) -- The boy from Emmenthal -- Puppchen, du bist mein Augenstern (Little doll, you are my eye's star) -- Emmenthal, du bist mei Freud (Emmenthal you are my joy) -- Wo di alpen Rosen blueh'n (Where the Alpine roses bloom) -- Bin a lustige Bueb (I am a jolly fellow) -- Chuyer Chnabe (Boy from Chuyer) -- Cuckoo yodel song -- Stille Nacht - o, du froehliche (Silent night - o, how joyful)
Disc 2. Gersauer Laendler (Gersauer dance) -- Durlhofer Jodel (Barnyard boy's yodel) -- Schweizer Jodellied (Swiss yodel song) -- Der liebe Bueb vom Emmenthal (The beloved boy from Emmental) -- Wo den Himmel Berge kraenzen (Where the mountains scrape the sky) -- Sah ein Knab' ein Roeslein steh'n (A boy saw a little rose standing) -- Der lustige Aelpler (The jolly mountaineer) -- Vo Luzern uf Weggis zue (From Luzern to Weggis) -- Niene gehts so schön und lustig (Things have never been so merry) -- Im Frühjahr (In the spring) -- Swiss yodel song -- Wo steht denn das Geschrieben (Where is that written) -- Hüttel am Rhein (Hut on the Rhine) -- Stille Liebe (Silent love) -- Lueget vo Berg und Tal (Lueget from mountain and valley) -- O'Schweizerland (O Switzerland) -- The boy from the forest -- Nearer, my God, to Thee