Feminist multicultural psychology : evolution, change, and challenge / Carolyn Zerbe Enns, Elizabeth Nutt Williams, Ruth E. Fassinger -- Feminist and multicultural ethics in counseling psychology / Mary M. Brabeck, Kalina M. Brabeck -- Life span development : childhood, adolescence, and adulthood / Cindy L. Juntunen, Stephanie San Miguel Bauman -- Gender and mental health in ecological-sociocultural context / Julie R. Ancis, M. Meghan Davidson -- Critical questioning of social and feminist identity development literature : themes, principles, and tools / Ann R. Fischer, Kurt A. DeBord -- From Hottentot to Superwoman : issues of identity and mental health for African American women / Suzette L. Speight, Denise A. Isom, Anita J. Thomas -- Feminist counseling psychology and lesbians, bisexual women, and transgender persons / Dawn M. Szymanski, Angela N. Hilton -- Feminist multicultural counseling psychology and poverty / Laura Smith, Lauren Appio, Jennifer Chang -- Realidades culturales y identidades dimensionadas : the complexities of Latinas' diversities / Alberta M. Gloria, Jeanett Castellanos -- Asian American women's feminism : sociopolitical history and clinical considerations / Lisa A. Suzuki, Muninder K. Ahluwalia, Anjali Alimchandani -- Women with disabilities : the cultural context of disability, feminism, able-bodied privilege, and microaggressions / Barbara J. Palombi -- Feminist multicultural counseling psychology with American Muslim women / Amina Mahmood -- Feminist multicultural counseling psychology in transnational contexts / Sharon G. Horne, Kiran S.K. Arora -- Feminist vocational-career theory and practice / Gail Hackett, Julie D. Kohlhart -- Career issues and challenges viewed through a feminist multicultural lens : work-life interface and sexual harassment / Alayne J. Ormerod, Dana L. Joseph, Lauren M. Weitzman, Erin Winterrowd -- Feminist therapy in counseling psychology / Pam A. Remer, Katharine Hahn Oh -- Feminist therapy with male clients : empowering men to be their whole selves / Laurie B. Mintz, David Tager -- Political analysis : cornerstone of feminist multicultural counseling and psychotherapy / Susan L. Morrow, Donna Hawxhurst -- Couples and family counseling In multiple contexts / Roberta L. Nutt -- Feminist multicultural counseling with traumatized individuals / Christine A. Courtois -- Feminist multicultural perspectives on body image and eating disorders in women / Susan Kashubeck-West, Lori Tagger -- Feminist, multicultural, and social justice pedagogies in counseling psychology / Ada L. Sinacore, Freda Ginsberg, Anusha Kassan -- Multicultural feminist training, supervision, and continuing education : concepts, competencies, and challenges / Marie L. Miville -- Feminist multicultural mentoring in counseling psychology / Barbara Gormley -- Activism, advocacy, and social justice in feminist multicultural counseling psychology / Kathryn L. Norsworthy, Elizabeth M. Abrams, Stefanie Lindlau -- Making the political personal / Elizabeth Nutt Williams, Carolyn Zerbe Enns