New American poetry: fifty years later / John R. Woznicki -- "Trying to build on their elders' work": the correspondence of Donald Allen and William Carlos Williams / Paul R. Cappucci -- Without a mammalia maxima, Charles Olson and Robert Duncan apprehend a cosmological American poetics / Joshua S. Hoeynck -- Why the new American poetry stays news / Terence Diggory -- "Big kiss for mother England": the new American poetry in Britain / Ben Hickman -- The new American poetry and the development of the long poem / Joe Moffett -- Becoming articulate: Kathleen Fraser and the new American poetry / Megan Swihart Jewell -- "In the dawn that is nowhere": the new American poetry and the state of exception / David Herd -- Science and the new American poetry / Peter Middleton -- Aurality and literacy: the new American poets and the age of technological reproduction / Seth Forrest -- The new American poetry's objectivist legacy: linguistics skepticism, the signifier, and material language / Burt Kimmelman -- Afterword / Carla Billitteri