Melanesia. Jakarta and Jayapura : the dialogue of religions and "Papua, land of peace" / Working out of two mindsets : critical methodology and PNG village traditional ways / A Samo theology of mediumship : a case study of local theologising and global reflection / Dema as religious symbol in Papua New Guinea / Cargo cults and cognitive science : the dynamics of creativity and repetition in the Pomio Kivung / Placing and dis-placing the dead / Ancient world. Towards an understanding of Mani's religious development and the archaeology of Manichaean identity / Some duties and responsibilities of a bishop(?) in late antique Egypt / Per saturam or performance? : Seneca's Initium saeculi felicissimi : ritual hilarity and millenial closure in the Apocolocyntosis / Consequences of bilingualism in Paul's Letters / Philosophical and methodological considerations. The religious thought of Francis Bacon / Rudolf Otto, the East and religious inclusivism / The theme of conversion in Sartre's early ethics / Approaches to the problem of dualism in Heidegger and Indian yogacara Buddhism / Historiography. "And end history. And go to the stars" : Terence McKenna and 2012 / Cyborgs and chakras : intersubjectivity in scientific and spiritual somatechnics / Religious studies in New Zealand : a wrong direction? / Religion, sexuality and retribution : placing the "other" in Sydney / John D'Arcy May. Patrick F. Gesch. R. Daniel Shaw. Ennio Mantovani. Andrew Lattas. Andrew Strathern and Pamela J. Stewart -- Iain Gardner. Alanna Nobbs. Christopher Hartney. Vrasidas Karalis -- John Gascoigne. Harry Oldmeadow. Paul Crittenden. Peter Oldmeadow -- Wouter J. Hanegraaff. Jay Johnston. Paul Morris. Carole M. Cusack and Jason H. Prior