Includes bibliographical references (pages [239]-250) and index.
The language of graphic narratives : Narrative art before writing ; Literacy and narrative art ; SIngle-frame narrative art ; Multiple-frame narrative art -- Popular prints and caricature : Popular prints in China ; European medieval and Renaissance popular press ; The invention of caricature -- Picture stories : Graphic narratives in Japan ; Early graphic narratives in Britain ; British masters of caricature ; Rodolphe Töpffer's picture stories -- Modern art graphic narratives : Blake's illuminated printing ; Goya's Los Caprichos ; Printmaking becomes an art ; Expressionist "wordless" books ; Surrealist narratives ; Charlotte Salomon's Life? or Theatre? -- Humor magazines : French caricature magazines ; British caricature magazines ; Blood and thunder ; Illustrated children's literature ; British comic magazines ; Comic magazines in the United States -- Comics in the era of "yellow journalism" : The color Sunday supplement ; Daily comics and the origins of continuity strips ; The impact of animation on comics -- Graphic narratives in Asia : The Hindu heroes of Indian comics ; Populist graphic narratives of modern China ; The Chinese Communist Party and the expansion of print propaganda ; Japanese modernization and the invention of manga -- The superhero and the comic book : Adventure comics in newspapers ; The golden age of comic books ; American comics and cinema -- Mainstream American comics, post-World War II : Romance and horror comics ; The anticomics comics ; "Silver age" comics ; Direct market sales to comic shops ; The death of Superman -- Post-World War II manga : Osamu Tezuka, the god of manga ; The rise of girls' manga ; Amerimanga and scanlations -- Post-World War II art graphic narratives : Pop art ; Imagined worlds ; Art comics ; Comic art exhibitions -- The return of graphic narratives for adults : MAD, from comic to magazine ; The underground press ; The Air Pirates and Disney ; Bande dessinée albums for adults ; Funny animals and creator's rights ; Autobiographical comics ; RAW magazine and the rise of alternative comics -- Digital comics : Digital tools ; Digitized comics ; Do-it-yourself comics ; Web comics ; Changes to reading cultures -- Glossary