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Postwar : the films of Daniel Eisenberg

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"Displaced person": An experimental film that works with a carefully chosen set of particular elements in order to explore the larger questions within the historical field. Passages from a Beethove...

"Displaced person": An experimental film that works with a carefully chosen set of particular elements in order to explore the larger questions within the historical field. Passages from a Beethoven string quartet established rhythm and breadth in relation to a radio interview with Claude Levi-Strauss, and archival footage obtained from rephotographing Marcel Ophul's "The Sorrow and the Pity." These elements wheel through many revolutions of repetitions and combinations, forming multiple perspectives.--OCLC OLUC

"Cooperation of parts": A journey of questions through signs, landscapes, memories and fixed meanings as Eisenberg travels through Europe, particularly through France, Germany, and Poland. He visits the death camps of Auschwitz and Dachau. With a wide visual field for the complex set of narrative associations, the film spins a tight web of memory, history and experience.--OCLC OLUC

"Persistence": Shot in Berlin during the year of German Unification (1991-92), the film documents the change in landscape that accompanies historical rupture, and the ways in which the past informs our construction of the future.--OCLC OLUC

"Something more than night is primarily shot in public spaces: airports, train stations, malls, downtown offices, industrial zones, and the many ethnic neighborhoods that make Chicago an exemplary city of migration at the beginning of the 21st Century." "In contrast to the city-symphony films of the 1920's, whose utopian vision of the industrial age was a composition made from harmonies of light, this film describes the city with our own familiar senses of the night; informed by labor, boredom, fear, fatigue, and anticipation."--Daniel Eisenberg, p. 20 and 21


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