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Journal de campagne = Field diary

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In 1982, Amos Gitai and a film crew travel around the occupied territories of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank as tensions mount, leading to the Israeli army's invasion of Lebanon. Gitai contrasts ...

In 1982, Amos Gitai and a film crew travel around the occupied territories of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank as tensions mount, leading to the Israeli army's invasion of Lebanon. Gitai contrasts Palestinian refugee camps with new Zionist settlements; he goads Israeli soldiers with his camera, he visits a strawberry field where Palestinian women work and the home of Bassam Shak'a, the mayor of Nablus on the West Bank, who is under house arrest. He interviews a Palestinian wheat farmer and some protesting women. Gitai asks if there's a solution: can people live together? He gets various answers.


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