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Rageh inside Iran

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The richness and complexity of modern Iran is an issue of world importance - but it's a story that most audiences will only hear about in the context of the nuclear argument. Journalist Rageh Omaar...

The richness and complexity of modern Iran is an issue of world importance - but it's a story that most audiences will only hear about in the context of the nuclear argument. Journalist Rageh Omaar has been inside Kabul with the Taliban and in Baghdad with the Iraqis, and has built up an awareness and sensitivity in reporting from 'the other side'. In this series he conveys the context and diversity of Iran in an unprecedented manner. With intimate access and authorship, Rageh reveals a nation full of anomalies and contradictions; beards and burkhas set against BMW showrooms and ads for mobile phones. On the verge of what could be the world's next major crisis, this intelligent and warm documentary discovers the stories, personalities, histories and cultures of this enigmatic land of surprises.


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