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Walt Disney Pictures presents ; directed by Henry Selick ; produced by Tim Burton and Denise Di Novi ; adaptation by Michael McDowell ; screenplay by Caroline Thompson ; a Burton/DiNovi production. Tim Burton's The Nightmare before Christmas. Burbank, CA :Distributed by Buena Vista Home Entertainment, 2013.


Walt Disney Pictures presents ; directed by Henry Selick ; produced by Tim Burton and Denise Di Novi ; adaptation by Michael McDowell ; screenplay by Caroline Thompson ; a Burton/DiNovi production. (2013). Tim Burton's The nightmare before Christmas. Burbank, CA :Distributed by Buena Vista Home Entertainment,


Walt Disney Pictures presents ; directed by Henry Selick ; produced by Tim Burton and Denise Di Novi ; adaptation by Michael McDowell ; screenplay by Caroline Thompson ; a Burton/DiNovi production. Tim Burton's The Nightmare before Christmas. Burbank, CA :Distributed by Buena Vista Home Entertainment, 2013.

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