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Flinders Ranges. (Parts 1 and 2) : Lightning Ridge ; Brisbane

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In this episode, take a road trip to the Flinders Ranges. Encounter sheep shearing; emus, kangaroos, and other wildlife; houses made from hay; and the Aboriginal culture. Explore the ecological mas...

In this episode, take a road trip to the Flinders Ranges. Encounter sheep shearing; emus, kangaroos, and other wildlife; houses made from hay; and the Aboriginal culture. Explore the ecological masterpieces contained in the Ranges. Take an adventure out to Lightning Ridge and come across some unique races, including a wheely bin race and a goat cart race. Attend a rodeo. Travel around Brisbane and meet people from Riverlife - then go kayaking and see a hydrofoil in action. Bike ride around the city to see heritage buildings and the City Botanic Gardens.


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