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The Battle of the Marne

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The Battle of the Marne is the demarcation between the ancient and the modern world, between wars fought with white gloves and those fought by killing machines. This program examines the roots of t...

The Battle of the Marne is the demarcation between the ancient and the modern world, between wars fought with white gloves and those fought by killing machines. This program examines the roots of the First World War: France's humiliating loss of Alsace and Lorraine in 1870; in the growing nationalisms, the pan-Germanism promoted by the Kaiser and the pan-Slavism by Tsar Nicholas; the jealousy and arrogance of the Germans, and their growing industrial power; the decay of the Austro-Hungarian Empire; the intertwining ententes and alliances, the words of honor given that would send millions to their deaths. The program documents the struggles, the forced marches, the uneven confrontation between well-trained soldiers and patriotic farmers; portrays the leaders on both sides; and details the battle of the Marne-a vicious, unbelievably bloody battle that in earlier times would have signaled the end of a war. This one would last four more years, cost nine million lives, and solve nothing.


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