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Get Organized! managing school, life, and fun

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Lost backpacks, unfinished homework, missed carpools.disorganization isn't just annoying-it can seriously jeopardize a student's future. This video teaches young people the value of personal manage...

Lost backpacks, unfinished homework, missed carpools.disorganization isn't just annoying-it can seriously jeopardize a student's future. This video teaches young people the value of personal management skills, and provides tips and strategies for getting organized in several key areas: living space, school materials, study time, extracurricular activities, and social life. Dramatizing situations in which a group of teenagers have made themselves miserable through a lack of self-management, the program uses a lighthearted approach that engages young viewers, while driving home a serious message: Effective organizational tactics will be a valuable asset throughout your education and career.


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