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Slingshot hip hop

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Hip hop has always had a school that attempts to voice frustrations about the African-American condition in the United States. That spirit of resistance animates the politically-charged rappers pro...

Hip hop has always had a school that attempts to voice frustrations about the African-American condition in the United States. That spirit of resistance animates the politically-charged rappers profiled in this film: Palestinian hip hop groups DAM (from Lydd or Lod), PR (Gaza), along with young women Abeer (Lydd), and duo Arapeyat (Akka or Acre), who are also harassed for being independent women performing on stage. DAM formed as clueless teenagers, spent time spouting rap clichés, but in the wake of the second Intifada their lyrics became politicized--inspiring a hip hop movement across the Palestinian territories. These artists rap about friends killed in attacks, strafed buildings, rubble, fields stripped of every tree, and rage at separation walls and checkpoints. As Palestinian citizens living in a walled ghetto with minimal infrastructure and few opportunities for economic prosperity, these rappers have a lot to overcome on their way to success.


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