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Act of violence

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Act of violence: Ex-World War II pilot Frank Enley is a respected contractor and family man. Then his troubled, gimp-legged bombardier shows up with a gun and a score to settle. Perhaps neither man...

Act of violence: Ex-World War II pilot Frank Enley is a respected contractor and family man. Then his troubled, gimp-legged bombardier shows up with a gun and a score to settle. Perhaps neither man is what he seems to be.

Mystery street: Vivian is being brushed off by her rich, married boyfriend. To confront him, she hijacks Henry Shanway and his car from Boston to Cape Cod. Once there, she strands Henry. Months later, a skeleton is found on a lonely Cape Cod beach. Using the macabre expertise of Harvard forensic specialist Dr. McAdoo, Lt. Pete Morales must work back from bones to find the victim's identity and killer.


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