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Assistance mortelle

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Haitian-born director and former Minister of Culture Raoul Peck's newest film is an indictment of Western aid to Haiti. After the massive earthquake that struck in January 2010, killing an estimate...

Haitian-born director and former Minister of Culture Raoul Peck's newest film is an indictment of Western aid to Haiti. After the massive earthquake that struck in January 2010, killing an estimated 250,000 and leaving 1.2 million homeless, a flood of aid and agencies arrived at Haiti's door. Some had an agenda to help, others had an agenda to protect their own assets and interests. Three years later, what state has this aid left the Haitian people in? Peck's powerful and thoroughly investigative film shows all the levels at which aid, NGOs and political ploys have left Haiti in turmoil. He unveils the true face of international aid as a failure full of organizational ineptitude, broken promises and hidden agendas. This must-see film paints a vivid picture that the "aid" of foreign powers is more realistically an occupation.


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