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El secreto de sus ojos = Secret in their eyes

Secreto de sus ojos (Motion picture)
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Durante 25 años un crimen ha permanecido imborrable en la memoria de Benjamín Esposito, ahora, en su madurez decide volver sobre esa historia: recorrer de nuevo aquel pasado de amor, muerte y amist...

Durante 25 años un crimen ha permanecido imborrable en la memoria de Benjamín Esposito, ahora, en su madurez decide volver sobre esa historia: recorrer de nuevo aquel pasado de amor, muerte y amistad, pero esos recuerdos puestos en libertad repasados unas mil veces, cambiarán su visión de ese pasado, y reescribirán su futuro.

Recently retired criminal court investigator Benjamín decides to write a novel based on a twenty-five-year-old unresolved rape and murder case which still haunts him. Sharing his plans with Irene, the beautiful judge and his former colleague, Benjamín's initial involvement with the case is shown through flashbacks as he sets out to identify the murderer. But Benjamín's search for the truth will put him at the center of a judicial nightmare, as the mystery of the heinous crime continues to unfold in the present, testing the limits of a man seeking justice and personal fulfillment at last.


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