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Enemies of happiness

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Details the political and personal battles and triumphs of 27-year-old Afghani activist Malalai Joya, who captured the attention of her nation in 2003. Speaking as an attendee at that year's Loya J...

Details the political and personal battles and triumphs of 27-year-old Afghani activist Malalai Joya, who captured the attention of her nation in 2003. Speaking as an attendee at that year's Loya Jirga, the grand council of tribal elders, she created an uproar in denouncing the various warlords present in the hall, and the complicity of the elders in the destruction of their country. Soon after targeted in various assassination attempts, she survived to enter Afghanistan's first parliamentary elections in 35 years. Providing her story through news footage, interviews, and travels with Joya in her daily work, the film offers a detailed portrait of Joya's efforts to improve the conditions in her country.


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